Guild Contacts

Servant of Mystery Mail String

This is the perfered method of e-mail communication within the guild. All Servants of Mystery are Required to Subscribe to the mailstring for Guild News, events, and other guild information.

To Subsrcibe to the Mailstring just send a mail to

If for some reason you wish to not receive mail from the Mailstring anymore send a Mail to

Skype Contact List

For real time in-game communications we have found that Skype is the best solution even above the current in-game voice communications. Not to mention it has GREAT video functionality for those who would like a good voice/video chat program for use for other things. To download Skype, please go to or click the Link.

The Follwoing is a Skype Contact List for the Servants of Mystery:

Character Name Skype Name   Character Name Skype Name

Other Contacts

These are contacts for

To Contact the webmaster over page errors, or content Ideas or information Please Send a Mail to : Nightride
If you are experienceing page load issues or other errors which are related to the Storage server, contant : SOM Snake.
