The Servants of Mystery
[20K GIF89a]

The Burning Hands Spell
[29K GIF89a]

Hail, traveler! You are about to be taken to a new world. May Mystra guide thy journey!

Mystra's Symbol [7.9K

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If you wish to learn more about Mystra and those who serve her, we recommend the following Forgotten Realms novels, published by Wizards of the Coast:

The Avatar Series, by "Richard Awlinson":


The Cyric series:

Prince of Lies, by James Lowder
Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad, by Troy Denning

The Shadows of the Avatar series, by Ed Greenwood

Shadows of Doom
Cloak of Shadows
All Shadows Fled

The Elminster series, by Ed Greenwood:

Elminster: The Making of a Mage
Elminster in Myth Drannor
The Temptation of Elminster
Elminster in Hell

These and other Forgotten Realms novels and accessories are available at: Home Page

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Comments? Questions? You can reach Snake, High Lord of the Servants of Mystery, by e-mail at:

Last Updated on November 8, 2003